About US

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We aim to provide superior risk-adjusted returns over long periods of time.

Fx-Genious is a UK-Registered asset management company, by portfolio managers have on average 10 years’ experience trading and managing portfolios of structured products, firm that invests pooled funds from clients, putting the capital to work through different investments including stocks, forex, crypto, real estate, master limited partnerships, and more. Along with high-net-worth individual portfolios,

Fx-Genious has an immensely experienced and forward-thinking leadership that understands the gap in the market faced by budding entrepreneurs. We build systems that are profitable to the consumers today yet relevant and rewarding in the future.

Our Vision

To make these virtues a habit, himself on his daily actions. In a journal he drew a table with a row for every virtue and a column for every day of the week.

Our Mission

We also know those epic stories, those modern-day legends surrounding the early failures of such supremely successful folks as Michael Jordan and Bill Gates.